Join me at the Mechanic House for the February edition of Ode, Bitch, Boast - Women's Gathering. We will meet in circle for a round of OBB and meet outside by the fire to close out the circle.
The full Moon for February was called the “Bone Moon” (Cherokee, of the Southeast). The Bone Moon meant that there was so little food that people gnawed on bones and ate bone marrow soup.
We will take time to honour the lean days and express gratitude for our wins.
You can read more here:
Ode, Bitch, Boast, is the creation of Charlene Freedom. I am honoured to be able to facilitate these sessions and support women in my community. Thank you, Charlene Freedom, for the use of your sacred circle.
Please only RSVP if you are committed to attending. Space is limited to 10 persons. Event is open to any and all self identifying as female or with the feminine.
Please bring a snack to share and dress for the weather. I also accept love donations, to assist in off setting some of my costs.
